Thursday, March 19, 2009

February 4-6, 2009 10th Annual Women's Conference in Mexico

Our 10th annual women’ conference in Puerto Escondido, Mexico was amazing. There were about 1000 in attendance and as usual we feed them three meals a day. That’s just the physical side. What really happened was a spiritual explosion of epic proportion.

Services began Wednesday night and we felt lead of the Lord to not schedule a specific speaker each night, rather we felt to begin the service and wait on the Holy Spirit to lead one of us to take the platform and speak only what we were hearing in our spirit. We went in and out of Worship, with a few speakers voicing what they heard in their spirit. The first night was good, we heard from the Lord, worshiped more and closed.

Thursday began our day sessions of more focused ministry with scheduled breakout sessions. This is where the women get more one on one ministry, where they can be free to share from their heart. Many of these women come just for these breakout sessions.

Thursday night was much like Wednesday night. However, we could since a special presence of the Holy Spirit. The word says, “They who wait upon the Lord will renew their strength…” This was happening. We were waiting on God. Again, no one preached. If God did not show up, we did not want to be there anyway. The worship was strong, the words that came from individuals encouraged our faith, but we knew there was more.

Friday, the last day was different. From the morning sessions to the afternoon we could since a stirring of the Holy Spirit. When the evening session began it started with a shout and then an explosion of the Presence of God. Nothing can describe what happened next, except an incredible move of Gods hand. People were healed instantly, with no one laying hands on them. Women began to dance. Some cried. Everyone worshiped. For more then 4 hours non-stop. Crowds from the streets began to pour into the meeting, just to see what was going on. People got saved, healed, and set free. The miracles just kept coming. God was touching his people. What an outpouring. We heard of many miracles afterward, as people were talking about it for days.

God is not looking for how great we are. He is not looking for what we do for him. He doesn’t care how much education we have, if he does not have our heart. Let me encourage you to wait on God. Isa 40:31 tell us that when we do he “Renews our Strength.” Many of you need to learn the art of Just Waiting on the Holy Spirit. He wants to bring you into the presence of God. Where there is refreshing, forgiveness, and rest. It’s a wonderful life.


denisse said...


my name is denisse

solo quiero hacer un comentario acerca del congreso ke hubo en puerto escondido.
para mi fue mi primer congreso de mujeres al que asisto y se que fue un congreso muy edificante para mi vida y la vida de muchas mujeres mas que asistieron.
se que usted es una mujer esforzada y valiente, y su vida es una bendicion muy grande para muchas personas mas,como lo ha sido para mi vida.
se que nos veremos pronto !!!

DIOS bendiga su ministerio y familia.

le amamos en CRISTO.
cuente conmigo, si en algo puedo apoyar su ministerio aqui estoy.
att. denisse (OAXACA,MEXICO)
mi correo es

denisse said...


my name is denisse

solo quiero hacer un comentario acerca del congreso ke hubo en puerto escondido.
para mi fue mi primer congreso de mujeres al que asisto y se que fue un congreso muy edificante para mi vida y la vida de muchas mujeres mas que asistieron.
se que usted es una mujer esforzada y valiente, y su vida es una bendicion muy grande para muchas personas mas,como lo ha sido para mi vida.
se que nos veremos pronto !!!

DIOS bendiga su ministerio y familia.

le amamos en CRISTO.
cuente conmigo, si en algo puedo apoyar su ministerio aqui estoy.
att. denisse (OAXACA,MEXICO)
mi correo es